Wednesday 1 April 2009

Bad to call people names?

We have all called someone a name before there is no point in denying it, but do we really know how bad it can really hurt someone?
The BBC website states that name calling is worse than physically hurting someone. This could be because bruises fade but feelings don't.
It is said that is you call someone a name long enough they will end up believing it, and so they think it is what they are. This can lead to depression as they feel bad about themselves.
In a survey of 331 pupils in England, 40% of them admitted that they had been bullied at some point in their life.
There are loads of hurtful words we use to call someone without even realising how nasty they are. Some words are:

  • Fat cow

  • loser

  • Bitch

  • Ugly

  • Scutty

...and there are so many more. Can you think of times when you have called someone something without realising the damage? Do you think name calling is bad or is it just words? Sticks and stones and all that!
For more on name calling effects go to the BBC website at:
Picture taken from web page above

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