Thursday 2 April 2009

Children: Eating their way to death...

At the moment there is a lot of media attention that is trying to get parents to get their children to eat healthy food. Is it bad behaviour for a parent to ignore these health warnings and carry on feeding their children unhealthy food?
Experts believe that unhealthy eating can lead to cancer and coronary heart disease. This is why they are trying to get children to eat healthy now, and this in turn will make them healthier later.
We are all victims of junk food and eat snacks that are better in taste then promoting our health, but yet we still eat them!
Over 1, 700 children are intake of salt that is a severe health risk to them.
Do you think that parents feeding their children unhealthy foods are neglecting their child as it can potentially be very harmful to them? Or do you think that parents feed their children what they think is best and may not realise the damage it does? Lemme know.
For more on the BBC website regarding children and unhealthy food go to:
Picture taken from

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