Tuesday 5 May 2009

Blog Stops last stop: finale:)

Blog stop has been an adventure that’s for sure. So many different traits of bad behaviour have been blogged yet they are questionable in weather they are as bad as they seem.
After creating this blog I now see bad behaviour in a different light in that there is always another side saying that it’s not as bad as first perceived.
It has been a very interesting and fun :) The funniest of course being researching masturbation, it made me blush i can tell you! The worst i think was reading about Jade and OK! Magazine’s lack of mourning and only caring about the money side.
This may be the end of the Blog Stop but what i have learned will defiantly give me a different perception of bad behaviour :)
Thank you and remember: Were all bad it’s just not all of us don't get caught;)
~Rach Davis~
Picture taken from www.myspace.com

Monday 4 May 2009

Piercings:Good? Bad? Ugly?

We have all had that rebellious streak where we have had that piercing our parents say no to behind their back. I know I have!
What we don't realise is that some piercing can alter our body forever! Be it through infection or the location on the body.
I had the top cartilage on my ear done with my sister thinking it would make us cool despite the fact my Dad said it would leave a hole forever. Well he was right, couple of months later when I got bored, i took it out and its still there 5 years on!
Is it right that we go behind our parents back for vanity? And ignore the health risks?
For more on piercings and the problems they can bring go to:

...And yes my Dad did kill me for having my ear done!
Picture taken from vnboards.ign.com

Sunday 3 May 2009

Bad Comedians:( Russell B and J Ross.

Recently Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross were in deep do-do after their little prank went too far.
They both had called up the Fawlty Towers actor Andrew Sachs ( Manuel) and had called his granddaughter some very particularly naughty names on Russell Brand's radio show. Clearly this upset Andrew and caused up roar.
The BBC decided to suspend them both, even though Jonathan Ross is back on the TV scene there seems to be no Mr. Brand. Hmmmmm!
Why is it that comedians now are turning on people to get laughs rather than just making some funny jokes up? Is it right that they make a career on making others feel bad? Is it bad that Ross is back but no Russell?
For more on the Russell and Jonathan case go to:

Picture taken from news.bbc.co.uk

Saturday 2 May 2009

Swine flu X_X

We all know about the new epidemic of swine flu. It is believed that it came from people who work closely with pigs such as farmers and it has been passed on.
We are all scared as it is predicted it could be as bad as the last influenza epidemic in 1918, 1957 and 1968 that caused millions of fatalities.
Many holidays have been cancelled and cut short in Mexico, Cancun, where the first outbreak was announced. However, people are still trying to go to Mexico knowing of what they could contract. Is this ignorance or is it all of us worrying too much?
For more on what swine flu is go to:

For more on flight details for Mexico go to:
Picture taken from www.unicef.org

Thursday 30 April 2009


Abortion is the action to end an unwanted/ dangerous pregnancy. It involves killing the unborn baby be it in tablet for or an operation.
People are very much divided in the subject as some believe its murder but others believe it is right.
A baby can be aborted up to 24 weeks, however, at this age a baby can feel and is practically fully developed.
Is it right to be able to kill a baby at an age that they can feel? Should it be lowered? Or is it right and prevents children being born unwanted or abandoned?
Let me know
For more on Abortion go to:

This is an image of a baby born at 24 weeks. As you can see baby looks fully developed but just small.

Picture taken from greaterthanthelilies.blogspot.com

Thursday 9 April 2009

Under age drinking...

A major report has been published stating that, British teenagers are one of the worst for binge drinking in the world! (See telegraph link for more on report)
We have all had the odd class of wine or pint of beer off our parents, but could this be encouraging us to start drinking young?
13% of children aged 13 had stated that they drink at least once a week, whereas 34% of 14 year olds had admitted they drink the same. The worst statistic found is that more than half 15 year olds drink at least once a week!
This is serious as it can give them, as like adults severe illness in the future. Also if they start drinking young it can inflict a lot more damage as they are drinking over a longer period of time compared to adults.
One website survey taken by head teachers stated that in 2004, schools would find underage drinking more of a problem then drug abuse!
Is it right for parents to allow their children to drink at such a young age? Do you think it is a contributing factor to the increase in underage drinking? Is it worse in school then drug abuse?
For more on Britain's underage drinking/ new report go to:

For more on the stats go to:
For more on the teacher survey got to:
Picture taken from www.crestock.com

Tuesday 7 April 2009

Lying with integrity

Lying is when you communicate a piece of information of which you know is not correct.
We have all told lies; such as 'that dress isn't too small' even though you know it is and doesn't show their best features!
Lying is not always a bad thing as the example above was said to spare a person's feelings. However, it's when you lie that can cause people harm, or hurt them in some way.
Black lies as such things as:
Lying to loved ones- such as your where a-bouts if you are cheating.
Lying to yourself-such as pretending you are gat but being in a heterosexual relationship.
Most of the reasons for lying above are mostly selfish; however they also would hurt someone’s feelings if they knew the truth.
Do you think it is bad to lie even if your are protecting someone? Or do you feel it is best to just be open with them?
For more on lying with integrity go to:


Picture taken from blogs.e-rockford.com