Thursday 9 April 2009

Under age drinking...

A major report has been published stating that, British teenagers are one of the worst for binge drinking in the world! (See telegraph link for more on report)
We have all had the odd class of wine or pint of beer off our parents, but could this be encouraging us to start drinking young?
13% of children aged 13 had stated that they drink at least once a week, whereas 34% of 14 year olds had admitted they drink the same. The worst statistic found is that more than half 15 year olds drink at least once a week!
This is serious as it can give them, as like adults severe illness in the future. Also if they start drinking young it can inflict a lot more damage as they are drinking over a longer period of time compared to adults.
One website survey taken by head teachers stated that in 2004, schools would find underage drinking more of a problem then drug abuse!
Is it right for parents to allow their children to drink at such a young age? Do you think it is a contributing factor to the increase in underage drinking? Is it worse in school then drug abuse?
For more on Britain's underage drinking/ new report go to:
For more on the stats go to:
For more on the teacher survey got to:
Picture taken from


  1. I don't agree with children drinking under age, because of the effects it can have on full grown adults let alone children! I also think that it may send out the wrong signal to children, that it's ok to drink, if they are being supplied it by their own parents.
    Although I remember my mum, letting me try beer when i was younger maybe 14, 15,i found it disgusting and it did put me off drinking until i was older. I never had the curiosity for it because i had tasted it, so maybe it can have a positive effect?

    I think peer pressure has more of a contribution to underage drinking than your parents, if your friends drink you’re more likely to, especially if it means fitting in with the crowd.

    I would agree it was more of a problem in schools than drug abuse, possibly because it is more easily available, and isn’t considered as bad as drugs. I think most people will have tried drinking, where as not the same can be said about drugs.

  2. I agree with you Rach, underage drinking is bad. I personally think that parents should not let there child drink, not even a glass of wine, until they have reached the legal age of drinking alcohol.
