We all tend to be very prejudice towards prostitution as we assume that sleazy men who like to cheat have sex with dirty hookers of which wan rich men’s money. This theory is so far from the truth!
Many men and women that are prostitutes can also be victims in some way or another. Some of these reasons for them ending up in prostitution is as follows:
· They have been doing it since a child and it’s all they’ve known.
· They are poor or homeless and so do it for some well needed money.
· They do it to pay for an addiction (commonly drugs).
· They feel bad about themselves and this is how they get attention.
· They are a lone parent and so do so to support their family.
This shows that people who get into prostitution do not always get into it through choice and many reasons are as a result of a bad upbringing.
So do you agree with these reasons for wanting to get into prostitution or do you think it is just people doing it to feed a bad habit? Please let me know what you think...
Want more information?
For prostitution visit: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/love-sex/sex-industry/sex-for-sale-the-truth-about-prostitution-in-britain-1035038.html
Why people result to prostitution visit: http://www.prostitutionresearch.com/faq/000007.html
For prostitution visit: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/love-sex/sex-industry/sex-for-sale-the-truth-about-prostitution-in-britain-1035038.html
Why people result to prostitution visit: http://www.prostitutionresearch.com/faq/000007.html
Picture taken from idreamnowtravelblog.com
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