Friday 20 March 2009

Infidelity.... Kiss but don't tell

Infidality is a very hard subject to explain as it means something to different people. For example some people believe that a kiss is ok with another person but sexual intercourse is a big no-no. However, some people believe a kiss behind someones back is just as bad as having sex, so it really is determind by the indiviual.
We have a heard or have been witness first hand with infidelity be it in the family or a celebrity.
The recent celebrity affair is Ashley and Cherly Cole. His affair has been spread across newpapers world wide with a random girl, why would he do it with such as beautiful wife, maybe she wasen't available?
We all have the initial negative response to cheating as that person has 'cheated' and 'lied' of which of course are not good qualitites in a person. However, have you not ever taken time to think about why someone may cheat.
You may automatically think they cheat through bordom or the thrill of having something they shouldn't have. However, it can be due to not being happy in the relationship or the third party may make them feel good about themselves. This shows infidelity is not always happening with a nasty intent. So is infidelity just nasty deciet undertaken by people whose needs have to be met no matter who gets hurt or is it a cry that a relationship needs help... you tell me.
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